130807 Ryewook Twitter Update

조만간 라됴에서 보자잉 ~!!!! 기대된다 ~~>< 민우야 화이팅 ~~~!!!! : 이제 정말 얼마 안남았따~~~ㅋㅋㅋ "

" See you in La soon dyo Ying ~!!!! It is hoped that ~~ > < min-Woo's Cougars ~~~!!!! : Now that really did much else Ta ~~~ㅋㅋㅋ "

" ZEA_MW@ :حقا لم يبقى وقت طويل ~~~kk
اراك قريباً في الراديو  ~!!!!انا اتطلع ~~>< Minwoo شي فايتنغ ~~~!!! " 

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