131217 Choi Siwon to Transform into Santa for UNICEF

With the holidays right around the corner, Super Junior’s Choi Siwon IS ready to put some  smiles on children’s faces

On December 17, the Korean Committee for UNICEF announced that Choi Siwon was appointed as publicity envoys

“Choi Siwon, who has served as a UNICEF delegate in the past two years, helping bring attention to children in need of help, were deemed suitable to fit the image of Santa who helps children,” said UNICEF.

Despite busy and tiresome schedules, the two stars pulled through brightly, filming the promotional video for the campaign

Choi Si Won stated, “Every time I work with UNICEF, I always feel a sense of responsibility and a sense of duty.”
He added, “Please participate in the Santa campaign and give presents that will save the lives of children who desperately need help.”

You can visit the Santa Campaign page Here


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