130718 INTERVIEW Audi Magazine Summer 2013-Siwon-English Translate

                                                              ? QWhat kind of son are you at home_ 

compared to being a generous son who should be doing a son thing, i tried to get along as friends. I am my father's son. I understand my Dad, As men understand. But some places i can’t really understand. We live in a different world, a different time. So we try to understand each other's ideas through dialogue, gradually relationship became like friends. I have a very pro-brother, I called my father as brother. Relationship becomes more interesting now

                                                                                     ? Q: What are you doing at your leisure time_

Siwon:- If set plans for tomorrow, then drinking coffee after morning prayer, reading the Bible, eat breakfast, learning foreign language, playing tennis, noon prayer, lunch, afternoon exercise, evening prayers, dinner, like this walk around at public to do something as much as possible at Seoul

                                                                                                                   ? Q: Do you like to drive_

Siwon:- Of course. I started to drive when i was 20 years old. My first car is Audi TT. After that i participated to be Audi Ambassador. After 4 years, now i have R8 Spider. With a little personal meaning for carts, I also feel bigger. Body, soul and all

                                                                                                ? Q: There are thought to get married_ 

                                                     . Siwon:- In fact, I just want to get married. But no self-confidence

                                                                                   .  Siwon: -"I don't have any girlfriend right now"

                                                                       CR: SUJU EGY

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