140116 Siwon's interview on Mnet Wide News

Q. how did you feel when you saw the news (about placing 7th on 100 Most Handsome Man)

Siwon :"I was very positive. (Ah), it's the beginning of a new generation kk. Just kidding. I was very sorry and thankful.

Siwon :"Only Kangin-ssi and Donghae-ssi congratulated me. Our members are more like 'keep quiet, shh shh' type at news like this."

Q. You've been very handsome since you were young. Have you ever heard of 'Being handsome since birth'?

Siwon : "I've heard of 'being born as Christian'. kkk my mother likes my eyebrows."

Q. What are the charms of Super Junior members?

Siwon: For Heechul-ssi, I would even think "What would that hyung be doing if he didn't become a celebrity"
(One flaw of Heechul is) You can't tell if he's parodying this guy, or that guy.

Siwon's dream car according to his interview , can talk, fly, and drive in water

Siwon : I am very jealous of how Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Kyuhyun-ssi, no matter how much they eat, they don't gain weight on the face. Even if they eat at 2-3AM, their face doesn't swell.

Q. Are you jealous of Kyuhyun-ssi, who is popular these days with his sharp tongue?

Siwon :He's 'poison' itself. If you touch him, the poison spreads.

Q. Siwon-ssi's charm that other members do not have?

Siwon : You... all know already~ kk how can I say that... kk Just kidding. I don't really know. I'm sure there isn't any, we're all same group members and humans

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