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  I was listening to Red Velvet-Happiness

  كنت استمع الى Red Velvet-Happiness

I was listening to Red Velvet-Happiness and in the beginning there was something like “Sometimes you gotta be bold, just rock the world~” and after that everyone “boo-yah*!!” so I should go pretty myself up tomorrow. I should be responsible for the prettying up my crown, thank you Red Velvet
*Tn: This has similar pronunciation as the Korean word for taking care of one’s appearance
كنت استمع الى Red Velvet-Happiness وفي البداية هناك عبارة مثل "احيانا يتوجب عليك ان تكون جريئاً, لذا اظهر موسيقى الروك للعالم~" ثم بعد ذلك "boo-yah"*!! لذا يجب ان أُجَّمِل نفسي غداً. يجب ان اكون مسؤول عن مستوى الجمال الذي يصل لجمهوري, شكرا لكم Red Velvet.


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